Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why We're Different (part 2)

HCRBC is a Christ-centred, Family-integrated church. What this means is that everything we do from start to finish is centred around Christ and Him crucified. Our worship, our preaching, our fellowship will all be centred on Christ. By family-integrated we mean that we have a focus on keeping the family together as a unit. We do not split up our families when they walk in the door. Youth and children need to be present in the service for their own spiritual development and to see the parents in worship. We believe that Deuteronomy 6:4-9 makes it plain that it is the responsibility of the parents to teach and raise their children. By sending our children en masse to another area of the church to be 'taught' by volunteers not only takes away the feeding of the volunteers from hearing the Word preached, but it also puts the children into a situation where they will be more focussed on one another instead of focusing on Christ. The long-range plans of HCRBC is to be able to provide a place similar to a nursery that can house parents and children where they can still be a part of the congregation visibly, yet still hear the Word preached. It is the job of the church leadership to come alongside parents to assist them in the discipling of the children, it is not the job of the church to be the main discipler. Our churches today by-and-large have usurped the authority and teaching of the children away from the parents and therefore have created an extra burden on volunteers and ministry leaders that are to provide these services. At HCRBC we wish to give the responsibility back to the parents, and to come alongside them to help them in their walk as parents and leaders of the home.
Questions? Email us at, or call us at 403-932-0519.

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