Before we continue our series on what we are, Amy felt it imperative that we first describe what we're not. I agree, as we've already had setbacks and opposition from those that have seen or felt the wrath of reformers.
1) We're not legalists or Pharisees. This is the most popular opinion of those that are called 'reformed'. Pharisees were known to be elitists, they knew the Law of God by the letter, inside and out. What they were missing was compassion and love for their fellow human beings. If you did not follow the Law to the tee, as interpreted by them, they would persecute you. They added numerous laws to God's Law, just to make sure that there was no chance of breaking God's Law. Jesus was not a fan of Pharisees, and of all the people He was hardest on, it was the Pharisees. Does this mean that HCRBC are antinomian (lawlessness)? Absolutely not. Jesus said to both follow the law AND have compassion and love for people. We believe that out of our love for Jesus, we follow the moral law that is written on our hearts (loving God), and we are compassionate and loving to our neighbors (everyone).
2) Uncooperative. Reformers, out of our zeal for the truth, have alienated other Christians by our insistence of being correct in our doctrine. We have a tendency to look down our noses at those that disagree with us. At HCRBC we believe that there are open-handed issues, and close-handed issues. The doctrines of grace (reformed theology) are by-and-large secondary issues. We will proclaim the doctrines of grace from the pulpit without apology, but we desperately want to show compassion and brotherly love to those that feel differently. We will engage our community and the churches in Cochrane to serve others.
3) Arrogant. This one confuses me to tell you the truth. There are those that call themselves 'reformed' that come across as arrogant. I would argue that anyone who understands the doctrines of grace would have absolutely NO reason to be arrogant, as salvation is 100% of the Lord, 0% ourselves. Those that follow the theology of synergism (God and man take part in the salvation story) indeed WOULD have reason to boast as they wisely chose God. I have been called arrogant because I believe in unconditional election. I don't follow the logic. God chose me for His purpose and will, I had nothing to do with my salvation, therefore ALL glory goes to Him, no glory goes to me. If no glory goes to me, then I have no reason to be arrogant. It also changes how I look at others, for if salvation is of the Lord, and the Lord has commanded me to find His sheep, then I can proclaim the gospel to lost people and not get frustrated at them for not seeing the light, for that is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Questions? Email us at, or call us at 403-932-0519.
Good post Chris. Sometimes people give reformers a bad name and sometimes those that do not like reformers have never really met one, they have just heard that is how we are. Any case, showing love and compassion to those we disagree with on secondary issues is important.
ReplyDeleteAgreed Scott, but unfortunately we all know of some that come across very arrogant and in-your-face. We need to learn how to approach these touchy theological issues with love and compassion, not to take them as opportunities to challenge others' salvation and need for repentance.