Saturday, May 7, 2011

God's sovereignty (part 2)

Radical depravity requires God's radical intervention was yesterday's blog. We do not have the ability nor the inclination to follow, choose or trust God due to our natural condition. Without the sovereign work of God, we would remain in our condition (enemies of God) and would be lost. This condition will be expanded upon today, but we need to understand the extent of our depravity in order to understand the sovereignty of God. Today we will be covering how God's sovereignty aligns with another staple of reformed theology, namely unconditional election.
Election is often confused or misrepresented. No matter where you are on the theological pendulum, everyone believes in election; you must, for the bible speaks directly to this topic. The major difference is how we understand the election of God's people. Most Christians today believe that God's election has to do with His omniscience, that He was able to look down the annals of time and see who would choose Him, and thereby elected them, based upon our choosing of Him first. This would put the credit of our salvation on us, not God. People get their collective noses out of joint when I say this, but I have a question for those that believe that God alone gets the credit for salvation, yet claim that we play some role in our salvation. What was it about you, that allowed you to accept the gospel message, while those around you have not accepted the gospel? Ephesians 1:4, 11 make it abundantly clear that we are chosen by Him, for His purposes. God maintains His sovereignty over election, which is why as believers we have NO REASON to boast. Let's think about this. If semi-Pelagianism (there is enough goodness in us to choose Christ) is correct, then don't we have something to boast in? Could we not look down our noses at those around us that have refused to choose Christ with contempt?
I was once accused of being arrogant for believing that God choose me unconditionally. I still can't wrap my head around that one. I fully admit that I had nothing to do with being saved, that it was 100% the work of Christ, and I am simply the beneficiary of grace upon grace. Unconditional election teaches that there was nothing in me that set me apart from anyone else. I am no better or more deserving than anyone else, but in God's grace and mercy, for His purposes, He elected me. Why? I don't have an answer, but I'm sure grateful, which is why I serve my King!

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