Tuesday, May 3, 2011

God's sovereignty and politics

The 'already and not yet' nature and reality of the Kingdom of God is something that we need to ponder more often than not as we have been called by Christ to "seek first the Kingdom of God" (Matt. 6:33). This latest round of elections have reminded me of this. Some believe that a conservative majority is the worst possible scenario and our country is going to turn into absolute hell-fire and damnation as Harper has somehow convinced some that he is indeed the anti-Christ. I understand where they are coming from, as I was worried about the NDP forming our government, and Jack Layton would quickly get to work bankrupting our country. I needed to remind myself that God is the One that puts governments in place, and that no matter what was to come, God is in control and He is the One that has ordained the election. Our job as Christians would be to follow the government put in place, to follow all laws, to be obedient citizens and pay our taxes as Christ has taught us. We are to advance the Kingdom here on earth while we have the strength, to proclaim the gospel to the lost, and be in support of one another in our burdens and celebrations. Would our job change with a different government? I think not. As much as I don't like the policies of the NDP, I can't see them taking away the rights of religious freedom, thereby our commission would remain the same.
We need to keep in mind that for most here on earth, this is as close as they are going to get to heaven. For those that are called Christian, this is as close to hell as we're going to get. We can celebrate this fact by not letting local, provincial or national politics stand in the way of that. We are fortunate that we don't experience the persecution that our Christian brothers and sisters face across the world that don't have religious or political freedom that we take for granted. I'm thankful that I live in Canada and have the freedom to preach the gospel without violent persecution by our nation. I'm also thankful that an evangelical Christian can be Prime Minister of our country. I'm thankful that our country now has an evangelical Christian as our Prime Minister for the next 4-5 years.
Last night, God blessed our nation. May we continue to seek the Kingdom until He returns or we are called home.

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