If I weren't so technologically challenged, I would have been able to put Europe's "The Final Countdown" video here, but seeing how I can't figure it out, I'll just post a link here. Today is the day that the rapture is to happen according to Harold Camping. Using advanced math (he messed up the first time he guessed the date of Jesus' return) Camping has figured out that the rapture will happen today at 6:00pm local time (yes, in every time zone). This bothers me on a number of levels.
Matthew 24:36 states that "“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." Jesus continues to preach about His return in verse 42 where He states again "Therefore be alert, since you don’t know what day your Lord is coming." Camping must feel that he has something on Christ, for Jesus said Himself that He didn't know the time of His return, only the Father knows. This is not ministry, this is not evangelism, this is egotistical nonsense. Does anyone want to harbour a guess as to what His excuse is going to be this time when Christ again doesn't return on Camping's schedule? My guess...poor math. It worked once, it will do again.
The bigger issue I have is that Camping, in the minds of those that already scoff at Christianity, paint us all with the same paintbrush. We're all labelled crazy. How is this supposed to help people see Christ? I don't dismiss the idea of preaching Christ's return, He will return, but to speak against scripture regarding this topic (Camping is not the first to pull this stunt, and unfortunately won't be the last) of knowing the time and date of His return is further damaging our witness to the lost world. Some of Camping's "followers" have left loved ones, jobs, bills, pets, etc. to wait for Christ's return. How do these people pick up the pieces of their lives when they are still here at 6:01pm? Maybe they won't have a problem. 2 Timothy 4:3 states "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,". I guess they could always go back and try again; only to make a fool of themselves and our faith by proxy in the meantime.
Live your life today as you should everyday. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbour as yourselves. He will return, but I'm guessing it's not today.
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