Monday, May 30, 2011

Church Plant Announcement

Not that we were ever trying to hide the fact we were moving toward a church plant, but we have been wanting to keep it relatively under-wraps until our paperwork with the CNBC and our church body was made aware of our desire to plant a church. Well, as of today, both of those things have been accomplished, so we feel now is the time to announce that there is a new church start in Cochrane, AB beginning September 11, 2011. We are called Hill Country Reformed Baptist Church. Our services will be held at the Spray Lakes Sawmills Recreation Centre in the Multi-purpose room on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00pm. To those that I have discussed the church plant with, the most popular question has been "What makes you think Cochrane needs another church?" That's a great question. Cochrane is now approximately 17 000 people and growing every year. There are a few traditional ecclesiastical churches in town, but relatively few evangelical churches. We are evangelical, and proud to be so, even though the word 'evangelical' carries with it connotations that we at Hill Country Reformed Baptist Church hope to change. In too many circles in Canada, the word evangelical brings with it an attitude of superiority and arrogance. I don't believe this is always a fair assessment, but in some cases it is. We will endeavor to not be or act arrogant in any regard, as salvation is of the Lord, and not by our works (Ephesians 2:9, Jonah 2:9).
In the coming weeks we will be having formal information sessions to help people better understand what sets us apart from other churches in the area (the next popular question). In the meantime, you can reach us at We welcome your questions and look forward to giving praise to our God with those who call themselves Christian.


  1. We are so happy for you all.

    Love the Sands xxxx

  2. Thanks guys! We hope to see you there on Sept. 11.
