The second most popular question with regards to our upcoming church plant is "What makes you stand out, or be any different from other churches in Cochrane?" Our answer...we're reformed. What in the world does THAT mean? We follow the 1689 London Baptist Confession (as I've been posting the odd blog about in the recent past) except for two minor points. You can find a copy of the confession here. Our theology largely falls upon the 5 Sola's (as our ministry name may indicate). The first is Sola Scritura, which means The Holy Bible is the standard of which everything else is held up to. We do not put our trust and faith in tradition, or experience, but in the Word of God. If our experiences or traditions do not line up with what scripture says, it is dismissed. We hold the Bible in the highest regards and standard above all else when it comes to worshiping and understanding God and creation (including man).
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Why we're different (part 1).
The second most popular question with regards to our upcoming church plant is "What makes you stand out, or be any different from other churches in Cochrane?" Our answer...we're reformed. What in the world does THAT mean? We follow the 1689 London Baptist Confession (as I've been posting the odd blog about in the recent past) except for two minor points. You can find a copy of the confession here. Our theology largely falls upon the 5 Sola's (as our ministry name may indicate). The first is Sola Scritura, which means The Holy Bible is the standard of which everything else is held up to. We do not put our trust and faith in tradition, or experience, but in the Word of God. If our experiences or traditions do not line up with what scripture says, it is dismissed. We hold the Bible in the highest regards and standard above all else when it comes to worshiping and understanding God and creation (including man).
Monday, May 30, 2011
Church Plant Announcement
Not that we were ever trying to hide the fact we were moving toward a church plant, but we have been wanting to keep it relatively under-wraps until our paperwork with the CNBC and our church body was made aware of our desire to plant a church. Well, as of today, both of those things have been accomplished, so we feel now is the time to announce that there is a new church start in Cochrane, AB beginning September 11, 2011. We are called Hill Country Reformed Baptist Church. Our services will be held at the Spray Lakes Sawmills Recreation Centre in the Multi-purpose room on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00pm. To those that I have discussed the church plant with, the most popular question has been "What makes you think Cochrane needs another church?" That's a great question. Cochrane is now approximately 17 000 people and growing every year. There are a few traditional ecclesiastical churches in town, but relatively few evangelical churches. We are evangelical, and proud to be so, even though the word 'evangelical' carries with it connotations that we at Hill Country Reformed Baptist Church hope to change. In too many circles in Canada, the word evangelical brings with it an attitude of superiority and arrogance. I don't believe this is always a fair assessment, but in some cases it is. We will endeavor to not be or act arrogant in any regard, as salvation is of the Lord, and not by our works (Ephesians 2:9, Jonah 2:9).
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
1689 Confession - The Bible (part 3)
1. The Scripture is self-authenticating. Its authority does not depend upon the testimony of any man or church, but entirely upon God, its author, who is truth itself. It is to be received because it is the Word of God.
1Thess 2:13; 2Tim 3:16; 2Pet 1:19-21; 1John 5:9.
You don't have to look long or hard to find those that believe that the Bible is nothing more than man-written, women-bashing garbage that does not speak for God (if there is one) nor is it profitable for any purpose. Just so I can save you time, here and here are a couple of prime examples. Then there are others that believe much of the bible is allegory, a book of life-lessons so to speak. But what does the bible say? As the scriptures above mention, the bible is self-authenticating. Why is this important? Because if it did not in any way call itself the Word of God, then why would we believe it to be so? Does this mean that other writings that claim to be Holy Scripture should be accepted as such? No. That's not the final determination that we use to understand what is scripture and what is not, but it's a starting point. As mentioned in the last blog, a couple of books that did not make it into the bible were due to the fact that the authors themselves claimed they were not inspired.
So is there a way that we can see if scripture really is the Word of God? The prophet Isaiah tells us in chapter 46:10 that God says "declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose," meaning that we can trust in God because He has declared many things that has/will come to pass. There have been numerous prophesies about the life and death of Christ alone that all came true, of which Christ Himself had no control over (born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, to name two.) God provides us with future prophesies that become fulfilled so that we can trust that those prophesies that remain will come true. God does not have to prove Himself to anyone (although He has), in order for the truth claims of the Bible to be true, much like I don't have to stand in Africa to know Africa is a real place. God's Word and Work is His whether we want to believe it or not. This reminds me of a book title by Ray Comfort that says "God Doesn't Believe in Atheists". Just because we don't believe something doesn't make it any less real. The fact that there are many people out there today that deny the truth claims of the Bible will not abdicate them of their responsibilities written in the Bible on the Day of Judgement.
Monday, May 23, 2011
1689 Confession - The Apocrypha (part 2)
1. The books commonly called the Apocrypha were not given by divine inspiration and are not part of the canon or rule of Scripture. Therefore they do not possess any authority in the church of God, and are to be regarded and used in the same way as other writings of men.
Luke 24:27,44; Rom 3:2.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
1689 Confession of the Holy Scriptures (part 1)
There are many different views of the Bible today. The Baptist tradition has long had a very high opinion on the Holiness and sufficiency of the scriptures. One of the best confessions I have read regarding this topic is from the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Below is the modern-day reading of the Queen's English from 1689 by Carey Publications, 1975. It reads:
1. The Holy Scripture is the all-sufficient, certain and infallible rule or standard of the knowledge, faith and obedience that constitute salvation. Although the light of nature, and God's works of creation and providence, give such clear testimony to His goodness, wisdom and power that men who spurn them are left inexcusable, yet they are not sufficient of themselves to give that knowledge of God and His will which is necessary for salvation. In consequence the merciful Lord from time to time and in a variety of ways has revealed Himself, and made known His will to His church. And furthermore, in order to ensure the preservation and propagation of the truth, and the establishment and comfort of the church against the corrupt nature of man and the malice of Satan and the world, He caused this revelation of Himself and His will to be written down in all its fullness. And as the manner in which God formerly revealed His will has long ceased, the Holy Scripture becomes absolutely essential to men.
Pss 19:1-3; Prov 22:19-21; Isa 8:20; Luke 16:29,31; Rom 1:19-21, 2:14-15, 15:4; Eph 2:20; 2Tim 3:15-17; Heb 1:1; 2Pet 1:19-20.
My favourite part of this beginning confession is the first sentence. Holy Scripture is all-sufficient for knowledge, faith and obedience. As a minister of the Word, I do my best to encourage others to open their Bibles and read from the Holy Scriptures every day, for this is how we gain knowledge to fight heresy and recognize wolves amongst the flock, to recognize and know the things of God, to follow in obedience and to encourage us in our faith. There are far too many of us that get caught up reading all sorts of devotions, theologies, books and novels that talk much about God, but none of these take the place of reading God's direct revelation TO us! Study of scriptures is important, reading the great theologians and preachers of both past and present is good, but if we're spending the majority of our time reading them and not reading the Scriptures, we are missing the greatest teachings of all, for our Great Councilor is the Holy Spirit. The bible does not NEED to be supplemented by anything else as it is sufficient all on its own. This is why there is no need for further revelation from modern-day prophets or Pope's. We have a direct link to God through faith in His Son who has been revealed in time and space and has been documented through the Saints via Holy Scripture. In our Bibles, we have the fullness of God's revealed nature and salvific plan.
Open the scriptures, and feed on the Word.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Final Countdown!
If I weren't so technologically challenged, I would have been able to put Europe's "The Final Countdown" video here, but seeing how I can't figure it out, I'll just post a link here. Today is the day that the rapture is to happen according to Harold Camping. Using advanced math (he messed up the first time he guessed the date of Jesus' return) Camping has figured out that the rapture will happen today at 6:00pm local time (yes, in every time zone). This bothers me on a number of levels.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Gates of Hades (God's sovereignty part IV)
I often wonder how Christians that believe in the Arminian perspective can sleep at night. I would be scared to death about losing my salvation. If I can choose God, I can also unchoose God. How do I know I won't wake up in the morning and declare myself an atheist, or a Buddist, or Muslim or something else? If maintaining my belief in Christ is up to me, I'm in serious trouble. However, if God is the One that saves and chooses me, I can rest assured every night that I will wake up in the morning, love God, live for God, and follow Him each and every day; even the days that I don't feel like it. There is an expression that goes something like "Preach like an Arminian, sleep like a Calvinist." There is something to this. God calls all to repent, even though only those that are His will respond. Those that are His need not worry about their salvation because it is by God's strength we are saved and perservere, not our own.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Eyes wide open (God's sovereignty part 3)
Being a man, I have the inherent tendency to not see that which is directly in front of my face. My wife gets annoyed when she sends me to find something, she even will tell me where it is, and yet a large percentage of the time I come back sheepishly declaring "I can't find it." She'll take me by the hand, lead me to exactly where she said it was, and magically pull whatever it was I was sent to find from the very place she said it was. "But it wasn't there!!!" I would protest. Of course it was, I just didn't see it. As my father used to like to say "It was too close to your face." Often I feel the same way about people that don't see God. He's right in front of their faces, but they can't see Him. Why?
Monday, May 9, 2011
Feminism and the plight of the church
The title probably ruffled feathers already. Let me explain.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
God's sovereignty (part 2)
Radical depravity requires God's radical intervention was yesterday's blog. We do not have the ability nor the inclination to follow, choose or trust God due to our natural condition. Without the sovereign work of God, we would remain in our condition (enemies of God) and would be lost. This condition will be expanded upon today, but we need to understand the extent of our depravity in order to understand the sovereignty of God. Today we will be covering how God's sovereignty aligns with another staple of reformed theology, namely unconditional election.
Friday, May 6, 2011
God's sovereignty (part 1)
God's sovereignty is at the root of reformed theology. For those that don't understand what this means (not to belittle anyone, but I do know the odd person who reads this blog aren't "up" on all the lingo) it means that God is in charge of everything. There is nothing that He is either not directly or indirectly in control of. Nothing catches Him by surprise, and all things are in His control. This is different from the view of agnostics that believe God created everything, but he stepped back from creation and doesn't have anything to do with anything going on around us. Then there are those that believe something in between. I cannot logically reconcile that one, for either God is in control, or He's constantly being surprised by those events happening here on Earth and being 'reactionary' to what we do here on earth. It's important to think through this issue as it directly affects how you view the world around you, and your reaction to those happenings.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
God's sovereignty and politics
The 'already and not yet' nature and reality of the Kingdom of God is something that we need to ponder more often than not as we have been called by Christ to "seek first the Kingdom of God" (Matt. 6:33). This latest round of elections have reminded me of this. Some believe that a conservative majority is the worst possible scenario and our country is going to turn into absolute hell-fire and damnation as Harper has somehow convinced some that he is indeed the anti-Christ. I understand where they are coming from, as I was worried about the NDP forming our government, and Jack Layton would quickly get to work bankrupting our country. I needed to remind myself that God is the One that puts governments in place, and that no matter what was to come, God is in control and He is the One that has ordained the election. Our job as Christians would be to follow the government put in place, to follow all laws, to be obedient citizens and pay our taxes as Christ has taught us. We are to advance the Kingdom here on earth while we have the strength, to proclaim the gospel to the lost, and be in support of one another in our burdens and celebrations. Would our job change with a different government? I think not. As much as I don't like the policies of the NDP, I can't see them taking away the rights of religious freedom, thereby our commission would remain the same.
Monday, May 2, 2011
The New Atheism
Fixed-Point Foundations radio broadcast was talking about a conversation between