Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wrong? I'm NEVER wrong!

I have learned much in my walk from some godly men and women. I've even learned some things from the not-so-godly category as well. I've had the pleasure of learning from some great minds at the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary, and I've supplemented that learning with a variety of other professors and pastors from a variety of different sources. One of the most influential has been R.C. Sproul. He heads up Ligonier Ministries which is LOADED with different resources, and is pastor of St. Andrews Church in Sanford, Florida. The guy is a gem; too bad he's a presbyterian. Another that I've learned much from has been Albert Mohler Jr., President of Southern Baptist Seminary in Kentucky. A wonderful mind, and he's Baptist. He must be a 'winner' right? Apparently he's not well liked, even by Southern Baptists. Under the not-well liked category would be Dr. John MacArthur. If you listen to this guy preach, he's a walking theology book. He is extra-ordinarily brilliant, a real warrior for God. He's apparently too much of a Pharisee. There's Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church who grew a mega-church from 8 people meeting in his living room. His problem? He's a bit too unpolished, and can say things from the pulpit that make your sensitive hairs on your neck stand up. No topic is off-limits, and he can freak out from time to time. There's Paul Washer, another good Baptist, but he's way too depressing and concentrates too much on the shortcomings of the church today. If you ever want to feel as though you're doing everything wrong, listen to this guy. Never mind that he lives and breathes Christ, he's too much of a downer. Matt Chandler of The Village Church is a charismatic preacher, a quick wit and fantastic delivery. He's also a tongues speaker. Ravi Zacharias (has an accent), Todd Friel (really long neck) and many others I could speak about, but I won't.
When I first started listening to these fine gentlemen of the faith, I was fortunate enough that I had matured enough in my faith that I knew none of them were Christ. I knew that even though they were men of God, they weren't Him. I've listened to countless hours of sermons and lectures from each of these guys, and I'm grateful for their ministries. I've even listened to them long enough that I have found something that I disagree with from each and every one of them. I think this is a good thing, for my bible has almost 2000 pages in it, and if I ever found someone that agreed 100% with every aspect of Christianity with me...well, that would be creepy. Besides, aren't I always right?
I know far too many people that get hung up on their favourite preachers and teachers. With the everyday use of the internet today, pastors have another tool that can and often is used against them. "How come you don't preach like John MacArthur?" asked one person to a pastor-friend of mine. Answer: "I'm not John MacArthur."
Preaching is one aspect of being a pastor; an important one, but a small one. The job of the pastor goes far beyond standing in a pulpit once a week. Let's take it easy on our pastors a little shall we, especially seeing how I'm going to be one.
By the way, all those preachers and teachers mentioned are wonderful people of God, and the issues presented are quotes I've heard from others. I cannot speak intelligently on the character of any of those mentioned. I am personally very blessed to have been taught by all of them, and would recommend any wanting further study or messages, check the website links provided.

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