I know there are a couple of you out there that have some theological background that read this pathetic blog, mostly out of shear, morbid curiosity to see what's going to be coming out of my mouth THIS time, but today I mean to ask a question of attitudes and understanding, of what it means to belong to the body of Christ. Are you ready? Here goes...
Why is it that reformed theology has such a bad wrap by non-reformed pastors, theologians and lay-people? Honestly.
I had a conversation yesterday with a man that I look up to, that is a godly man, that I respect and admire very much, tell me that those of the reformed camp are not of 'like-mind' with those that are not of the reformed camp. While I understand there are differences in theology, aren't we all the body of Christ? Isn't this the essence of our like-mindedness? If we all hold to the truth claims of the gospel and the orthodox teachings of the faith, are we not brothers and sisters?
I know that there are the reformed types out there that can be pompous and arrogant, but when pressed the attitudes of the non-reformed aren't much better. By far and away it seems that the problem isn't necessarily with the theology, but with the people that adhere to the theology. Isn't this unreasonable? Illogical? You hate the message because of the messenger? This is like the old adage of "cutting your nose off to spite your face" isn't it?
I follow reformed theology NOT because I'm a fan of John Calvin, but because in my reading of the Holy Scriptures, I am convinced that Calvin was right in his thinking of the scriptures. I am NOT a follower of Calvin, I'm a follower of Christ. I am convicted by the Holy Spirit of the teachings presented in the bible, and I will adhere to those teachings as my conscious binds me to do so.
As we get closer to a church plant (a reformed one) I'm getting the distinct feeling that we may not be welcomed nor worked with. I hope and pray I'm wrong, and I will work hard to not give anyone a reason to dismiss the message because of the attitude of the messenger. John 15:12 states from the mouth of Jesus, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." I will endeavor to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, even if we differ on some theological issues, and not be arrogant in my proclamation of the Gospel, for I have nothing to boast in except Christ and Him crucified.
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