Tuesday, April 19, 2011

National Politics

So, here we go again. Another election, another waste of $300 million. Once upon a time, I was very keen and interested in politics. I even made some noise about being an MP or MLA, but my lovely wife told me under no circumstances would she be the wife of a politician. Career change averted! I have some thoughts on politics, and I will mention them here, then I hope to not have to do it again for another 4-5 years.
I have been a conservative voter my entire life, and it appears I will be doing so again this election. Let me explain my reasons.
Option #1: Green Party. This party is a non-starter for me, for the following reasons. 1) Their party policies are based upon religious principles, primarily the love and worship of the earth. I have no problem with the very Christian principle of taking care of what God has provided for us, but to put the earth above the needs of humanity is in serious error. 2) The policies put forward to 'protect the earth' would put our country in serious financial and economic peril. No thanks.
Option #2: NDP. The New Democratic Party is a socialist party that would put this country into serious jeopardy. Think modern-day Greece. They would bankrupt this country with the policies they would put forward, higher taxes for big-business (the very businesses that bring the most employment to our economy) which would force these corporations to move to cheaper countries, thereby costing us jobs. The social programs they would like to put in place would make Quebec look down-right conservative. No thanks.
Option #3: Liberal. My issue with the Liberal party isn't so much the party itself, but with the general smug attitude that comes with it. The liberals have said that they are the "natural-governing party of Canada." (embracing the title given by the very liberal CBC). Pardon me?? The liberal voters are beyond dogmatic in their approach to politics. These people will vote liberal no matter how bad they are doing, no matter what major scandal they are involved in. How is this different from the conservative voters? I'm glad you asked. Back in 1993 when the Progressive Conservatives were doing all they could to make a mess of the country, it was the conservative voters that annihilated the party, so much so they had to absolve the party over a decade later and amalgamate with the Canadian Alliance Party (now just known as the Conservatives). It was the conservative voters that punished the very party that they had supported for so many years. Hard-core conservatives changed their vote. Hard-core Liberals have proven that they will vote Liberal no matter what they do. I would argue that the conservatives have taken over the middle of the political spectrum, making the Liberals move further left. With the proposals introduced by the Liberals, they too would put this country into economic peril. No thanks.
Option #4: Conservatives. While no party is as good as they think they are, and no party is as bad as the others would make them out to be, I consider this year's best choice out of a bad bunch to be the conservatives. While their current policies are still too left-leaning for me, they are the closest thing to a responsible government that we have. They are not devoid of crimson stain, but at least we won't be cast into the economic poor house in the near future; their policies will take a few years to get us there.
How I miss Preston Manning. Get out and vote this year.

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