Saturday, March 12, 2011

Repent or Perish (Can we be next?)

With all of the devastation happening world-wide recently, including of course the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, it reminds me of Luke Chapter 13. In this chapter, a question of some Galileans who were slaughtered by Pilate while in worship was asked of Jesus. It was thought correct in those times that disaster was a direct result of sin, and therefore the Galileans who were slayed were under greivous sin that resulted in God's judgement upon them. Jesus' answer was both non-commital, and practical in nature. While He did not deny nor affirm that they were killed as a result of their sin, He reminded all in attendance (and all those that read the Bible by proxy) that they were no better or worse than anyone else. A second example was given by Jesus himself in His answer. He used the Tower of Siloam that fell and killed people in Jerusalem to illustrate that while they were sinners, they were no worse than anyone else. Our proper response is not to look down our noses at those that are suffering, wondering if their sinful ways have resulted in disaster, but to repent immediately of our sins, as disaster could quickly come upon us, resulting in having no time to repent of our sinful ways.

I look at Japan, and other areas of the world that suffer from natural disasters, wars and persecution, and while being extremely thankful that I live in a country that is relatively free from most of those things, I need to be reminded of my sinfulness, the sinful ways of our country as a whole, and pray that God would continue to be patient with us, and continue to give us more time in Canada to repent and return to Him, for we are no better than the poor souls in other areas that suffer. 2 Peter 3:9 states: 'The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.' The Lord is patient, and He will not return until His church has come to repentance. Disasters like Japan reminds us to repent, and to tell others about Christ and His salvation, as we here in Canada are not exempt from swift disaster. We know not when death comes, and it may come swiftly.

God, let your light shine in Japan during this time of difficulty, may your church be active in helping those that need it most. May many come to know You through this disaster. Amen.

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