Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Calling All Catholics! (Part II)

My first post on calling all Catholics was a brief post asking Catholics about the doctrine of salvation according to the Catholic faith as they understood it.  The reason behind this was because a couple of long time Catholics indeed informed me that Catholics believe a 'plurality' of different ways to salvation, and that Christianity is only one of them.  I couldn't believe this, and frankly I have too much to do to go and find out.  That being said, others did find it for me, and to my utter shock, horror and dismay, they were right.

Articles 839-848 found here explain the doctrine of salvation according to the 1994 Catechism of the Roman church.  These articles are not only grossly unbiblical, but in essence deny every aspect of salvation according to the orthodox practices of the traditional Christian faith, but they also go against everything previous Catholic council's stood for.  This has affirmed the teaching that the RC church puts the word of the councils and tradition ahead of Scripture.  For a great overview of the major differences have a look here.

To elaborate on all the problems with the articles listed above would be to write vastly more than I want to in this medium, and most-likely vastly more than anyone reading this pathetic blog would want to read.  If you would like an in-depth look at what exactly the problems are, please message me and I'll be more than happy write the countless problems with these articles.  If you read them for yourselves, and have any kind of logic behind your thinking, you will quickly discover the contradictions and meaninglessness of the text.  If you are biblically literate, you will find countless contradictions between these and the Bible.

Can you tell I'm disappointed?

To all Catholics reading this (which most likely don't make up much of the audience), if what you believe is the articles given by the 1994 Catechism, then save time and money, and take my advice.

1) Throw out your bible, it doesn't mean anything.  Quit reading it, it will only confuse you.
2) Quit going to church.  Your time there is a waste.  You can make up your own religion and still be saved.
3) Quit tithing to the church.  Your money can be better spent on your new religion, and still be saved.
4) Don't share the gospel!  People that never hear of Christ are better off!
5) Quit partaking of the bread and wine at church, it too is meaningless.

Does this sound harsh?  When you make the orthodox doctrines of salvation nothing more than a world-pleasing, politically-correct endeavor, then it will get my back up.  I will defend the doctrines of salvation according to the Bible.  It is a thing of utter hatred to not share the gospel.  According to these articles, Jews and Muslims (along with any other group searching for God) will be saved.  Therefore, evangelizing to them is pointless.  There is only one problem with that thinking; namely THE BIBLE!  These articles are not based on scripture, but on man's 'wisdom'.  To me, the only way someone can believe these articles to be true and accurate is to deny the very God they think they worship!  How can you say you know Christ and believe that you don't need to repent and believe in Him?  Let me make this as clear as I can...YOU CAN'T!  Scripture loses all meaning under this teaching.  The life and teachings of Christ and His disciples are meaningless under this teaching.  The Catholics teach that they have an unbroken line of Pope's since Peter, yet they don't ascribe to St. Peter's theology!

We are all sinners; world-wide.  All have sinned (Romans 3:23), all have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6), all require a Savior.  How does one become saved?  By the preaching of the Word (Romans 1:16).  No one seeks for God (Romans 3:11) which is why it is necessary to go to the ends of the earth to spread the Good News (Acts 1:8).  His sheep will hear His voice and come to Him (John 10:27).  Through repentance and faith you will be saved (Mark 1:15), and you will be known by your fruit (Matthew 7:16).  You can live your life via the wide gate and easy path that leads to destruction, or you can enter through the narrow gate and the hard path which few will find (Matthew 7:13-14).  You must repent of your sins and turn to Him or be lost (Luke 13:5).  That is the gospel message.  If you are Jewish, turn from your self-righteousness, your blood-lines will earn you nothing (Philippians 3).  Muslims, you have likewise broken the Law of Moses.  You will answer for breaking those laws (Romans 3:23).  Turn from your works righteousness and come to Christ, for in Him is righteousness and Him alone!  Catholics and other Christian groups; repent and put your trust in Him and Him alone!  Your religion will not save you, your attendance at church will not save you, your political correctness will not save you.  You are saved by faith through grace in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8)!  You cannot boast, for even your faith was a gift from God (Ephesians 2:9)!

If you have been offended by the tone of this blog, I ask your forgiveness, for it is not out of haughtiness or arrogance that I post so harshly, but out of a love for Christ and a love of the truth of the Gospel message.  I want people to be saved, I want people to not be led astray by false teaching.  I want all races and religions to come to Him, but on His terms, not on our own.

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