Sunday, July 17, 2011

Merely Parched

Have you ever poured yourself a glass of water, expecting to sip it slowly, only to drink the whole thing and go back for more? It is funny how we can be more thirsty than we think we are.
I experienced this today, believe it or not, at church. As I was sitting there listening to Trevor preach the word of God I realized how rare it is to hear someone open the Bible, read it, then explain it. Not skipping verses that might be hard or awkward to receive, not giving cute stories that merely summarize the meaning, not taking anything out of context. It is amazing the fruit that comes from someone doing their job. I learnt a lot this morning and was reminded of what a great shepherd we have in Jesus. I was challenged to trust in Jesus when times are good, hard, and uncertain. I needed to be reminded of that and am so thankful that I can trust in an Authority higher than myself.
So here is what I am driving at. Go to a church where the Bible is taught! You won't regret it. At one point in my life I thought that church was somewhere I could go to serve and help out. This point is true, but it is not the only factor that counts. I have heard people say things like this too and stay at churches that they can serve at... Regardless of how withered they become. The church is also a place where the Gospel must be proclaimed through the word of God. Why? So that those who are already saved can grow and mature, and so that those who aren't saved can hear and be saved. Everything starts with God's word and grows out of that. How can you believe if you don't know who God is? How can you serve and obey if you don't know God's commands? How can you belong to anything if you don't know what (who) unifies.
Hosea 4: 1,4-6 "Hear the word of the LORD, O children of Israel, for the LORD has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land. There is no faithfulness or steadfast love, and no knowledge of God in the land", and "Yet let no one contend, and let none accuse, for with you is my contention, O priest. You shall stumble by day; the prophet also shall stumble with you by night; and I will destroy your mother. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me".

Knowledge does not equal righteousness, but knowledge is a platform for us to work off of. So, are you being fed at church? If not then why do you remain and serve there? Find a church that will faithfully feed you the word of God, then act on that knowledge (obey). Therein you will find best and truest form of community. Let knowledge gird your belief, direct your service, worship, and community life.
Don't dehydrate yourself. For those in NW Calgary, check out Harvest Bible Chapel. For those in South Eastish Calgary, check out Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel. For those searching cochrane, check out Hill Country Reformed Church (meetings start in August, and launch in September).


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